Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm up late tonight.

(And by the way.....the time on here is 2 hours before, so it's 12:07).

Well late for me that is. I turned my phone off awhile ago and decided to have a chill, quiet night with myself and my computer.

I'm wide awake.

I have the next 4 days off and I'm planning on doing a lot of chillin with friends, hiking and relaxing.

My air conditioner leaked last night and the carpet near my door is soaked. Seriously, my luck with water and carpets in the last few months is pretty bad. And the topper is that it completely messes up my plans tomorrow because I don't know when the maintenance guys will be coming to up the carpet and dry everything out. Which by the way, I really don't like when strange men are in my apartment with me. It freaks me out.

Anyway, this week has been pretty crappy and I'm glad that it is almost coming to an end.


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