Sunday, February 3, 2008

Who cares about football???

Things I love today:

* My new pricey, yet wonderful facial cleanser. (Hey, the face is the first thing people look at). ;)
* The fact that Macy's just let me exchange my sunglasses I bought 3 months ago because I wasn't feelin them anymore. I got a new bad ass pair.
* The random voicemail my 3 year old niece left on my phone. I have not one clue what it says, but it ROCKS!
* Goat cheese
* Fido
* My tall eskimo uggs. So ugly, yet so toasty.
* That I went to my first college basketball game yesterday afternoon.
* Whole Foods
* That I'm going to up and go on a random trip somewhere.......just haven't figured out where yet.
* My bathtub
* "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"

I'm back on my blog kick. We'll see how long it lasts.....


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