Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Still gray.

I don't really feel like working today.

I've done a few contracts, talked to an ass, a wise guy (who was actually fun to go back and forth with) and some of my favorites. But, now I may coax my way through the rest of the day. Turtle pace of course.

It's been gray out for DAYS! Days days days with maybe a hint of sunshine yesterday. From my window everything is gray but this pale pink house up on the hill. I look at this house everyday and it makes me smile a little. I tried to take a picture with my camera phone, but it just doesn't do it any justice.

Next weekend is snowboarding near North Carolina and I am more then ready for a day of some snow therapy. Although not so ready for the days after of pain. :) Good pain, right?

Life is good, though I'm wilting from lack of sun. It will be out soon, March is days away. yaaaaay.

Okay, one of our bands that is in town just walked in with a massive amount of hot wings from Hooters. I don't think I've had wings from Hooters in years. Hell yeh!


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